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Brand building Strategies [Guide 2023]

by | Feb 22, 2023 | Business

Making your brand shine amongst millions of brands that are already in the market is a very difficult task. Brand building is nothing but a step towards any company’s success.

In this article, we will talk about the importance of brand building as well as its examples and strategies which you can consider to build you brand grow your business manifold.

But before that, let’s get to know “What is a brand”.


What is A Brand?


A brand cannot be touched, it’s an intangible thing, which can’t be felt. Brand is a collection of attributes which can be used as attracting your target customers.

Indeed we can see a brand name, or have a glance at its logo, design or its brand’s color but what we can’t see is a brand message.

Brand message is something you want the public to know which defines your brand value, and your company’s ultimate vision. This is only possible with proper brand marketing strategies.


Brand building Importance


Every year with 305 startups launching, there is huge competition that is around and you must be aware of that. We all know Ecommerce business market is huge and millions of entrepreneurs and investors are pondering different-different kind of best startups ideas.



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However, many things change every year, especially in the market. These include consumer trends, styles, products, ideas and what not. So development strategies for brands should be innovative and new.

Every business owner or who wants to start eCommerce business, should know brand is the heart of the business, while brand marketing is its vein.

Your audience will know your company by its brand logo, color, and of course by its name. It will influence all your customers and it will surely raise the visibility of your company name.



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Most of the entrepreneurs don’t know much about brand building strategies or doesn’t know the importance of it or simply they never cared about it. But the truth is, building a brand is initial part for any business in order to grow multifold. So those of you who need some knowledge about various steps of brand development, this article is for you.


8 Brand building Strategies You Should Know


Brand building Strategies - You should Know


  1. Know your audience
  2. Purpose of the your brand
  3. Positioning your brand
  4. Create a brand story
  5. Look for your brand
  6. Logo
  7. Write your slogan
  8. Keep distributing your brand massage


Know Your Audience


Knowing your audience or identifying your audience and the type of audience you’re trying to reach is critical for your business. It is critical to find your target customers specifically for your products if you want your business to be successful.

Suppose you have a business of kids clothing, you cannot target customers who are more than 10 years old.

Your marketing strategy should focus on how to attract customers from the age of 2-10 years old kids and their parents. Targeting parents of this kind of age would be a very smart move, because parents will buy them clothes.

Promoting your videos of kids wearing your clothes and a catchy tagline will surely attract the customers.

And use all the marketing tactics which will raise your sales like using kid models and posting information videos of your products etc. So basically the point is, always focus on your target customers only.



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Purpose of Your brand


Purpose of your brand should be the key that your business exists. And how you will be making a difference in people’s lives and in what sense your business is making a difference in the society that you are living in.

If your business is giving anything to the world, then you’re building a business with a purpose. Your business should never forget its core value which represents your brand.

Questions you should ask while describing your brand purpose-


Q1. Is your business bringing any change to society?


Q2. Why does your brand exist?


Q3. Are you following your value of the company?


Q4. Is the purpose of your brand well defined in the market?


Positioning Your brand


Next important thing is positioning your brand. Gaining knowledge about the area where you want to sell and whom you want to sell your products is what you do in brand positioning.

Your price range will matter in this part. You can’t sell expensive products and well-budgeted products at the same time. You need to be finalized in which category you want to go.

If you are selling imported fruits which cannot be found in the market, this should be your brand positioning. Your business should describe your position in the market.

Be different from competitors, be unique then only you can stand apart from the crowd.


Create a brand Story


Your brand story serves as the foundation for all of your marketing efforts. It’s the thread that connects all of your marketing channels and campaign initiatives, and it’s what makes your brand memorable to customers and prospects alike.

 Things to keep in mind for creating a brand story-


  • Your brand story should be authentic which will connect with your target customers.
  • Brand story should be clear and memorable
  • Relatable story should be made
  • Should focus on how your brand story tackles all target customers problems


Look for Your brand


Colour, design, and fonts all contribute to the overall appearance of your brand. Every single one of your target customers should be able to identify your brand. It should not be complicated; rather it should be straightforward and easily identifiable.

You should understand how to create a psychological effect in the minds of your customers that they will remember simply by catching a glimpse of your brand.

Colours should be chosen carefully, fonts have a big impact on customers, and graphics or illustrations should match your font and colour selection.


Brand Logo


Another important aspect of developing your brand is the logo. Your logo will be the first thing your customer notices.

We’ll use Starbucks as an example of a well-known brand whose logo serves as its global identification. Only a few people can say, “Oh, there’s Starbucks!” from afar.

Design and the colour of their logo, the symbol they used, and the size is so precise that everyone thinks it’s worth remembering. So, before creating your logo, do some research and then design it.


Write Your Slogan


Creating a catchy slogan can make your brand very famous, especially in this digital world. Try to create your brand slogan very easily and choose very easy words, so that customers will within seconds remember your slogan by seeing your logo.

Example- McDonald’s slogan I’m Lovin’ It — making it even better.

“I’m Lovin It” is famous. Everyone, even many kids know their slogan.


Keep distributing Your brand Message


Branding is critical to the success of any business and any business owner.

Your branding will help you connect with your target audience and spread the word about your company far and wide. It also assists you in increasing your sales through campaign.

If you want your branding to have an impact, consistency is essential.

And you must be consistent in spreading your brand message. Social media posts through your business account, billboard creation, and all other marketing tactics such as social media campaigns should be used to deliver your message.

By consistently distributing your branding message, you can leave a lasting impression on potential customers and build a loyal following.

These are the some factors which you can keep in mind for brand building strategies. Now let’s take a look at some brand building examples.


Brand building Examples


Brand Building Examples - Apple and Starbucks logo


Apple or Starbucks, we all know that they are famous brands in the whole world. We all know their logo, designs, etc. However, it’s worth mentioning that these brands aren’t famous only for their looks.

That being said, Apple is famous for the simplicity of the brand and every year they come up with different models with a price range which everybody talks about.

Starbucks is surely known for its famous logo but also known for its different types of tumblr they sell, they give multiple options for milks while choosing your coffee and of course for its price point.

So basically brands have many attributes which are required for every successful firm.




Branding is essential for every business nowadays. Without branding no one can go much further in the path of  business.

Brands like apple, Zara, BMW have worked very hard for their success and look where they are today. They have recognized the MARKETING TRENDS AND STRATEGY and learned how they can create a big brand at the right time.

We ain’t saying nobody can’t be famous as they are right now, of course you can; but capturing the opportunity at the right time is a different kind of talent.

Creating an entire brand from scratch is essential for establishing your company in the market. Because the brand-building process requires a significant amount of time and investment, it is critical to plan ahead of time.

In short, Brand building is all about connecting with audiences, making your brand visible as much as you can.

Having said that, the emerging Ecommerce platform QPe helps all kind of businesses to manage, run and grow online business allowing merchants to integrate their Ecommerce website or store with a suite of Plugins and business software. QPe’s all-in-one POS system brings 360 degree business solutions to grow business.

The platform also allows users to sell via Social media platform such as Facebook and Instagram.

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