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How to use Pinterest to increase sales in Your Ecommerce Store

by | May 4, 2023 | Business, Ecommerce, Online Store, Sales and Marketing

Introduction to Using Pinterest for eCommerce


Pinterest is a popular platform for eCommerce businesses to reach new audiences. Not only you can drive traffic to your website or store, but this amazing social media channel can also help you to increase sales. With its visual nature and focus on curated content, Pinterest has been there for decades allowing users to showcase products or services in a visually appealing way.

In this article, we explain how eCommerce or online stores can leverage Pinterest to drive traffic and increase sales, simultaneously.

Doesn’t own your own store or struggling with the existing one? Don’t Panic! This article also brings tips and hacks to building an online store and optimizing it with the Plugins and Integrations in order to boost business growth. Keep on reading.


Build an feature-loaded Online Store that does the Job for You


Running an online business with your personal selling platform has its own perks. Though, there’s a huge difference between having your business online and managing or running it for lead generation. Having a features-loaded Online store not only gives customers a rich experience while exploring your services or products but it also makes it easier to drive traffic and generate leads (organic and paid) – while connected to social media platform Pinterest.


Pinterest to Increase sales for eCommerce or Online store - blog image


To save your time, we recommend using Ecommerce platform QPe to build online store. QPe is a no-code, full-stack platform that enables online businesses to create an Ecommerce store in just minutes. With QPe’s website builder, businesses can create a personalized professional-looking ecommerce website that easily integrates with social media platforms.

QPe offers customizable themes/templates, flexible payment and delivery options, and powerful analytics tools to help businesses track their success.

What’s more? QPe also helps businesses to setup stores on social platforms. You can integrate your store with popular platforms such as Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram etc. to drive traffic and convert visitors into customers.

Learn more how you can sell online through social media platforms.


Pinterest: A Powerful Sales Channel for eCommerce or Online Stores


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One of the key reasons why Pinterest is such a powerful sales channel for eCommerce stores is its high engagement rate. According to recent studies, the average time spent on this platform is significantly higher than on any other social media platform.

Talking of which, Pinterest users are actively seeking out content and ideas, including products to purchase. Additionally, platform’s search functionality and algorithms make it easy for users to discover new products based on their interests and behavior which brings high users engagement rate on the platform.


Optimizing Your Online Store with Pinterest


To optimize your online store with Pinterest to drive traffic, it is important to focus on creating visually appealing content. This includes using high-quality images, incorporating Pinterest-friendly descriptions and tags, and finally adding share buttons to product pages.

On the other hand, you can share unique infographics focused on your products or services. This is best way to drive traffic to specific landing pages.

Many eCommerce platforms including QPe offer a range of SEO tools and features to help businesses improve their visibility on search engines and social media. Learn more about Integrations here.


How to Increase Sales using Pinterest


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There are several ways to use Pinterest to increase sales and drive traffic to your online store or website. In this article ahead you will learn “How can you attract more viewers on Pinterest”, “How to create pins that drive sales” as well as how you can convert your Pinterest visitors into customers.

Let’s get started!


Creating Pins that drive sales from Pinterest


To create pins that drive sales on Pinterest, it is important to focus on creating visually engaging content that showcases your products in the best possible light.

This includes using high-quality images, adding product descriptions and pricing information, and including links to your online store.


Use Rich Pins and Promoted Pins to increase Conversions


Rich pins and promoted pins are powerful tools that can help businesses increase conversions and drive sales from Pinterest.

Rich pins allow businesses to include more detailed product information and pricing directly on their pins, while promoted pins can help businesses reach a wider audience and increase visibility.

Most online store built using an eCommerce platform offers integration with both rich pins and promoted pins, making it easy for businesses to take advantage of these powerful features.




Engage with Customers – Maximize the Social Presence


Pinterest’s been a highly popular social platform, and it is important for businesses to engage with their customers and followers on the platform.

This includes responding to comments, sharing relevant content, and creating boards and pins that are tailored to your target audience.

You can join hands with QPe which offers a range of social media integration, AI sales channels and management tools to help businesses stay on top of their social media presence. Businesses can engage with their followers effectively using comment automation features or bot integration with their online stores.


Measure Your Success: Track Your Visitors using Analytics


In order to convert leads, now it’s time to analyze the traffic you’re getting from Pinterest. To measure the success of your Pinterest sales strategy, it is necessary to track key metrics such as traffic, engagement, as well as conversions.

Pinterest Traffic Analytics

Pinterest, itself, offers powerful analytics tools that allow businesses to track these metrics and gain insights into their Pinterest performance. This information can be used to optimize Pinterest strategy and drive more sales.


Increasing eCommerce Sales with Pinterest and QPe


In summary, Pinterest is a powerful sales channel for eCommerce stores, and using it in conjunction with QPe can help you maximize your online business’s potential.

By using QPe’s online store builder, you can set up your store in just minutes and optimize it to track Pinterest traffic with in-built analytics tools. The Analytics tools can help you kickstart your best practices to use rich pins, and promoted pins. Tools can also help you measure the success of your Pinterest sales strategy and make data-driven decisions to improve your sales.

Don’t forget to engage with customers on Pinterest which can surely help you maximize the social presence and build lasting relationships.

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